Vision and Mission
Vision & Mission
Our Vision
To be trustworthy and preferred FinTech platform enabling citizens across the world to connect and exchange funds directly from lender to borrower
Our Mission
Our FinTech platform to witness USD 1 Billion funds disbursement by 2024, indirectly creating 160,000 new jobs.
A word from the CEO
Dream come true USD one billion scalable FinTech platform, is live!
Radhakrishna Thatavarti
CEO & Founder
Oct-15th, 6:30pm IST – I have been waiting for this day for past 16 months. During Jan-March, 2015 when I was with ValueLabs, the organization was undergoing a huge transformation, new business units were set-up and game-changing innovations were happening.At the same time, we were all reading success stories of platforms such as UBER, AIR BNB, and Whatsapp. But I was struck with innovation in financial services that to “consumer to consumer” – The big market with no borders. I sincerely didn’t want to get into enterprise solutions, business to consumer.
I was searching for a right direction, signed-up with Columbia Business School for executive education in strategy and innovation. One fine day in the month of May 2015, I read Uday Kotak (EVP and MD of Kotak Mahindra Bank) Interview on the Internet, He clearly called out that Peer 2 Peer Lending which is a big success in UK and US will hit Indian markets soon and shake-out Indian Banks if they are not adoptive.
That’s it! It sounded like Uday Kotak has personally guided me with that message. I wanted innovation in financial Services & consumer-consumer and the result is– A new alternative lending platform that encourages Peer 2 Peer Lending, where any individual can lend and borrow. It enables traditional players like Banks and Finance Companies to join as trusted lenders as well.
To start the new venture, I have immediately pulled out USD 55,000 and couple of my friends also invested USD 110,000. With approximately INR 100,00,000 we started OxyLoans. A few months later, I have joined Columbia Business School Program and the good part of it was my team Group 8 accepted to take-up Peer 2 Peer lending as our academic project, so we nurtured the idea. My heartful thanks to Ameya, Jose, Anil, Ajay, Venu and Mukul for their continuous inputs.
One of my professors Suresh Sundersan also helped me with his suggestions on this idea. He believed that lending in small amounts works because in India delinquency is high and recovery regulations are not much integrated into the system in our country, unlike the US.
generally think Big! But now, I want to start small and follow a mediocre approach than a BIG BANG approach. I think that’s the time Ranbir Kapoor’s Tamasha released – Thanks to Imtiaz Ali for his great story-telling and Ranbir for portraying it. I remember the scene that Ranbir explains to his father that “I don’t want to be mediocre, I am different”. That’s where I also felt like I should get back to my actual character. Radha is meant for taking the risk. Then I have decided to take a big risk and build a future platform. The mission is our alternative lending platform to witness USD 1 Billion disbursement by 2024, indirectly creating 160,000 new jobs.
Our Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji launched Digital India Initiative and a very interesting announcement is MAKE IN INDIA, which inspired me to design a concept called Lendinindia which encourages NRIs to Lend to Indian citizens and businesses. Thanks to Modi Ji for such a great inspiration.
Being in Dubai, I am equally motivated with His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Emir of Dubai SMART GOVERNMENT initiatives where all the governments are catching-up with Digital Transformation. Banks joined the wave but SMEs are seriously struggling and not having adequate funds to invest in Digital Initiatives.
I met a couple of SMEs to understand the real-time difficulties, surprisingly I found some SMEs are able to purchase AED 100,000 – USD 100,000 worth of cars with ease but not able to invest AED 50,000 into Digital ideas. Thanks to banks for giving auto loans at low-interest rates. That gave me an idea of bundling Digital Transformation solutions into packages of AED 50,000 – AED 300,000 – Implementation of such solutions will result in immediate efficiency, optimization, cost saving and also generate new earnings to SMEs. I have discussed the opportunity with banks and they are ready to give loans for Digital Transformation Initiatives. Build technology today and pay tomorrow from your new revenues is the theme.
I have tie-ups with Individual FinTech Project Managers, Leading Banks such as ENBD, HDFC, and VCs who want to take part in Digital Transformation Loans.
I am able to quickly extend the thought to Executive Education from Harvard, Columbia, and Stanford Loans for senior people which can help them in strategy and innovation. Golf Membership loans which can enable every person to enjoy the rich game.
That’s how LendInIndia – peer 2 peer lending platform thought transformed into OxyLoans – A new alternative lending platform serving citizens of India, GCC, and the UK.
I dedicate OxyLoans platform to World Citizens!
Home Loan Can Be Used For Many Purposes

For Construction of a New House

Purchase of
Dream Home

Interiors of Home

Purchase of
Open Land

Buy an Apartment

Home Renovation

Purchase a New Villa

Construction of Commercial Building